What Are Angel Numbers?

Numbers are everywhere and I believe our spirit guides use them to communicate with us. Many people refer to them as ‘Angel Numbers’.

If you're not familiar with the term, you may be asking yourself questions like: What are angel numbers? From a Numerology perspective, I simply refer to them as ‘repeated numbers’ - but I’m a firm believer that they carry messages, based on the vibrational characteristic of that number. 

Let's explore the powerful messages these spiritual number sequences have for YOUR life...

What are repeated numbers?

Simply put, they are a repeating sequences of numbers that seem to show up everywhere you look! Have you ever felt like you look at license plates and always see 222, or do you keep looking at the clock exactly at 11:11? It may seem like a coincidence that you've been seeing the same number sequences over and over again, but these numbers hold a very powerful message that the universe thinks you need to hear.

Why do I keep seeing them?

Because your guides/angels are always looking out for you, they'll keep showing you these numbers until the lesson gets through to you. Think of these numbers as your spirit guides jumping up and down, waving their arms at you and trying to get your attention. Chances are, the more you gloss over these angel numbers, the more frequently you'll end up seeing them.

Here’s what these vibrations mean, from a Numerology perspective…

111 angel number

The 111 angel number is sending you a manifestation invitation! This number sequence knows that your thoughts quickly become your reality, so it's more important than ever to play close attention to your ideas, beliefs, and feelings. What negative thought patterns have you been carrying around? How have they been holding you back? A positive new beginning can't materialise if it's being overshadowed by fear and doubt. Release what is worrying you and surround yourself with positive energy. Seeing the 111 angel number is your opportunity to create the future you desire, so make it count!

222 angel number

Do you always seem to look at the clock and it reads 2:22? The meaning of the 222 angel number is that your life is out of balance in some way. This could be mentally, emotionally, physically, or even spiritually. You could be working too much, giving too much in your relationships with others, or putting effort into things that aren't continuing to bring you joy. This kind of negativity can hang over you, and what seemed isolated to one area of your life is actually affecting you in others as well. The 222 angel number wants you to know that if you've been pushing yourself too hard, slow down. If you've been getting stuck in a cycle of mental negativity, try to think more positively. All facets of your life are intertwined, and these small changes could give you a major boost overall.

333 angel number

When you keep seeing the 333 angel number, you are being called to recognise your life purpose. You were born into this world with unique talents and abilities that have the power to make an impact on everyone and everything around you, but you may not be using them to their full potential. Believe it or not, you've slowly but surely been developing your soul mission all along, and this sequence is telling you you're more than ready to tap into it. The meaning behind the 333 angel number is that you shouldn't let doubt stop you from moving forward -- you've got the universe on your side.

444 angel number

The 444 angel number indicates you are on the right path, even if you don't know it yet. You may be feeling as though you've been pushing a huge boulder uphill with no end in sight. This number is your sign not to give up and to keep your eye on the prize! Your spirit guides are right next to you when you see these numbers, cheering you along your path, helping you get to the finish line. Trust that everything happens in its own divine time and your guardian angel is on your side. The 444 angel number is telling you that you will come out on the other side of this, so just keep going.

555 angel number

If you've been craving life change, the 555 angel number is your signal that it's coming! If you haven't been wanting things to change, don't worry -- this change isn't necessarily bad. It still could be an unexpected shake-up, but as is the case with any transition, you can either let this situation happen to you, or you can take control and steer yourself in the right direction. The universe is helping to pave the way for a new beginning, but in order to move toward a better future you must let go of something that is no longer serving you. The 555 angel numbers is telling you to embrace this time of letting go!

666 angel number

This numerical sequence has gotten a bad reputation, but there's nothing scary about the 666 angel number! This number repeatedly shows up when you are giving too much of yourself -- mentally, physically, and/or emotionally -- in a particular aspect of your life. If you've felt lacking in your material world or have become too attached to something such as a job, relationship, or mindset, the 666 angel number serves as a reminder to shift your perspective, ditch the obsessive thoughts, and let go a bit. Trust that as you do this, harmony will restore itself.

777 angel number

The 777 angel number is one of the most spiritual and sacred numbers of all. If you're seeing this over and over again, it's a message that a spiritual evolution is upon you. If you've lost hope and have been feeling doubtful about your future, these repeated numbers are the universe telling you to trust that everything is going to be OK. The 777 angel number is telling you to tap into your highest potential and embrace your individual gifts, using them to help the people around you. This will not only invite an increased amount of love and light into your life, but it will also help your soul blossom in a spiritual sense.

888 angel number

Seeing the 888 angel number isn't a coincidence -- it's an indication that increased abundance will soon be yours. You've been putting in the work, keeping a positive attitude, and continuing forward despite any obstacles thrown your way -- and a reward IS on its way! Have you been attempting to switch jobs? Trying to create healthier and happier relationships? Beginning to tap into your talents? You have the right mentality, and as a result, a world of possibilities will open up in whatever you choose to pursue. View the 888 angel number as a reminder that the universe is on your side every step of the way!

999 angel number

If you're seeing the repeating 999 Angel Number, it's a message that one chapter of your life is about to end, and another will begin. Perhaps you've gone through a painful period in your life, or it could be you've been struggling to let go of a past situation that has been hanging over you. This phase of your life is coming to its natural conclusion, allowing you to make a fresh start. You will see that everything you've experienced and the lessons you've learned are helping you transform into who you're truly meant to be.

1010 angel number

If you're seeing the 1010 angel number, it means a significant spiritual awakening is upon you! It's possible you've been trying to connect more deeply with your higher consciousness ... or that you've been completely ignoring this part of yourself. Regardless of your situation, the 1010 angel number is signaling a time to trust your intuition, raise your vibration, and connect with your inner voice. You may be required to step outside of your comfort zone to do this, but that's OK. Doing so will lead you down the path of spiritual enlightenment -- and toward your highest self.

1111 angel number

In Numerology, the number 1 is associated with beginnings, initiative, and independence. So, if you are seeing the 1111 angel number, you could be entering a new phase of your life or embarking upon a new journey of some kind. Now is not the time to dwell on the past or lament about missteps you may have made, nor is it the time to be shy about your biggest hopes and dreams. The 1111 angel number is letting you know that opportunities, growth, and positive change could be on your horizon, so be open to the possibilities that make themselves available to you now.

1234 angel number

The 1234 angel number is a very special number! Unlike other angel numbers, each of the individual numbers -- 1, 2, 3, and 4 -- are all in sequential order. This is symbolism for the steps you take as you work toward finding your life purpose. It's possible you've been running into roadblocks, feeling like you'll never find your way. Your guardian angels are showing you the 1234 angel number to remind you that these obstacles aren't preventing you from getting you where you're supposed to go -- they're just detours. Keep putting one foot in front of the other!

2222 angel number

The number 22 is a Master Number in Numerology, so seeing the 2222 angel number is like getting a double dose of this potent numerological energy! Master number 22, also known as the "Master Builder, has the ability to turn its dreams into a reality. The 2222 angel number could be your angels communicating that they want you to keep forging ahead, believing in whatever it is you're trying to accomplish right now. No matter how challenging the road ahead of you becomes, and no matter how many times you want to give up, keep the faith that things will eventually turn around for you.


